The Pollinators Maybe
Crumby enjoys espying what’s on what. Heck. If you have all these plants and all these bugs may as well take notice.
The CB Lactucas, both serriola and ludoviciana bloom all day. Hundreds of flowers are represented. Yet Crumby has only ever espied one species of insect on any of those many flowers. And Crumby looks. Oh yes. Crumby looks. Here is that one insect visitor to the Lactuca flowers, Horace’s duskywing.
Then we have two more plant species at the CB that get few visitors.
The CB does not have much Solanum elaeagnifiolium. Plus Crumby does not look at it much, only once or twice every day. The only insect visitor Crumby has noted is the American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus).
And it’s the same with Clematis pitcheri. However, Crumby watches for visitors way more at the Clematis than at the Solanum. Still just bumblebees.

Then we have two more plant species at the CB that get few visitors.

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