Dos and Don’ts of Stepladders for Macro Photography
During a rainy or wet year you may notice that many of the dern plants in your yard grow too dang tall. Then, if you happen to be a short person like the Druid Ovate, Crumby, your altitude could be insufficient for photographing the vermin that are fixing to get on many of your flowers. Yet why should you have to endure that? All you require is a stepladder for macro photography.
Here is an example of a stepladder coming in handy. This step ladder is positioned next to a bunch of tall goldenrod. Crumby can stand on the second rung of this particular stepladder while resting his elbows on the top rung. Then, in that position Crumby is not only elevated above the bees or whatever, he can brace his arms on the stepladder. That’s two dos.
Here’s an example of a don’t. Those Maximilian sunflower blossoms in the back are like ten feet up in the air. To photograph bees or such on those, Crumby would need to climb up the stepladder to the penultimate rung at least. Bad idea!
Here’s another don’t. Most hymenopterans are docile creatures that only wish to follow the gilded rule; Let’s have peace and prosperity in our time for all. However, southern yellow jackets are similar to the most ruthless capitalist running dog you ever met. They will sting your dumb ass mercilessly no matter how high up the stepladder you go. So be sure you are setting your stepladder up in a yellow jacket free area. Mercy!

Here’s another don’t. Most hymenopterans are docile creatures that only wish to follow the gilded rule; Let’s have peace and prosperity in our time for all. However, southern yellow jackets are similar to the most ruthless capitalist running dog you ever met. They will sting your dumb ass mercilessly no matter how high up the stepladder you go. So be sure you are setting your stepladder up in a yellow jacket free area. Mercy!
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