Tuesday, December 07, 2010

No Fat Druids, Holiday Reminder!

As everyone knows, the WG likes leaner Druids, better than fatter ones. Especially, the WG is troubled when a Druid sports a big overhang of a dang fat belly. And what about bosoms, guys. Do you think the WG likes to see bosoms on old boy Druids? I don’t think so.

Yes alas. Today is another day to discuss an important health issue, reiterating upon that sad topic, fat Druids. And the topic today is, specifically, big fat guts. Like many moons ago Crumby was discussing this or that with a local goddess (lg). Suddenly the lg says, You know Crumby, you don’t have to sport that gut. There’s an easy way to get rid of it.

Oh yeah, says Crumby. How’s that? Anyway mines not so big. Plus I was just considering a sit up or two, maybe. Sit ups are just the thing for stomach exercise.

Hmm. It may not seem so big, but did you know there is as much fat on the inside of your stomach muscles as on the outside. All that fat surrounding your stomach muscles can’t be good. In fact, too much fat accumulated on your gut can crimp your intestines shut or eventually squeeze your heart so tight it won’t be able to beat. Yes Crumby. The gut muscles are probably the least exercised muscle group in the male human body and the most susceptible to fat build up. That’s right. The least exercised muscle group, but also the very muscle group that needs the most exercise, due to proximity to vital organs. Like right at this very nonce, I bet your liver or one of your bladders is getting squeezed mercilessly by all that fat.

Mercy! Jeez Louise! What can I do to save myself, lg. I should do some sit ups, Right?

No Crumby. There is a better exercise than sit ups. Sit ups are hard on your anus and may cause hemorrhoids. What I am proposing is much, much easier? Plus, you can do them anywhere, anytime, whether standing, walking, sitting or reclining. You can also do them continuously if you need to.

All righty, lg. Crumby wants to know. What are these most convenient of stomach calisthenics?

They are known as gut sucks. All you do is suck your gut, in and out, continuously, for as long as you can stand it. If I were you, Crumby, I would do a tousand or maybe two tousand a day to start.

Yepper. That is the true story of how a smart lg started Crumby off on one of his habitual behaviors, gut sucks. These days, Crumby can thank gut sucks for a somewhat slender physique with hardly any overhang or overburden. Plus, gut sucks have lots of entertainment value for an old person because another habitual behavior, counting, blends in nicely with the gut sucks.

Take it from the Crumby Ovate. If you desire to lose that big fat gut which now precedes you, try gut sucks, the most care free, commodious or convenient of all the stomach calisthenics.


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