Nelson Industrial Hose Nozzle Review

Crumby’s did not come with a washer. Without a washer it leaks. It also leaked after Crumby put in a generic washer. Maybe, if it had its own custom washer, it wouldn’t leak.
But who cares anyway. Not the ladies for sure.
A hose nozzle just like this one may be purchased at Home Depot for eight bucks. It works pretty well, going from a nice round mist to a hard jet with a slight twist on the head. Course it leaks, but that’s really the only negative. And who cares about negatives like leaks when it looks like a ****.
Crumby was a little uneasy going through the checkout line with his Nelson Nozzle. He told the pretty and efficient young lady operating the register that it was for Rayetta.
Nelson Industrial Nozzles are manufactured in Ontario Canada, almost in the USA.
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