Monday, May 23, 2011

A Spitting Spider in the Sink

So there Crumby was, fixing to fix his delicious, primarily canned supper dish, Crumby’s Canavecbeau, when he espied this spider in the sink. If you discover these particular spiders in these parts, they are liable to be in the sink. Don’t know why. Apparently, they do spit venom. But normally these spiders only spit at prey items, not Druid cooks.

Once in a while the Druids like to provide the ignorant masses with an opportunity to cook up a genuine Druid recipe. Here you go.

Crumby’s Canavecbeau recipe.

One large fresh onion chopped and browned in Canola oil. Use the biggest skillet you got.

Once the onion is done to your satisfaction, you may wish to add some meat. Chicken is good. So is stew meat. Cook the meat until it is pretty much done or when you feel like you probably won’t get tularemia if you eat it.


One regular can - black beans

One regular can - refried beans

One regular can - RoTel diced tomatoes and green chilis. Note: A regular RoTel can is littler than a normal, regular can of regular canned vegetables. So you may wish to use two cans. Or, you may wish to use the RoTel with habeneros which is way hotter. Way hotter!

One small can of green chilis. Hatch or generic. You should always get the whole green chilis and chop them up yourself. The whole green chilis are getting harder to find maybe.

If you can’t tell the smaller green chili cans from the bigger generic cans, that’s OK. The green chilis are mild and a few extra won’t mess anything else up.

A dash or two of chili powder, salt and pepper to taste.

Simmer on medium low until all the flavors are swapped around. Serve with tortillas and a nice salad. Mmm! Or rice. Mmm! Or cornbread. Mmmm!


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