Saturday, March 10, 2012

East Vs. West, cont.

Few recall how the east meets the west at the CB as per the ranges of the twain woodpeckers, Golden-fronted (gofr) and Red-bellied (rebe). Yet now, we have documentation for both those supposedly closely related peckers, right here at the CB, where east meets west. Yes they do, don't they?

But a goofy part is, the CB gofr loves suet. That's right. She can't get enough Woodpecker Treat suet. She also liked the Pepper Suet. Yet the rebes totally eschew the suet, preferring the nearby Gourmet Wild Bird Mix.

Actually though, this particular photo may not be sufficient for identifying a gofr. However, we have more proof. Yes we do, don't we?

This situation is the same difference as the Pyrrhuloxia and the Cardinals which also meet at the juncture of east and west at the CB. But the behavioral difference with these twain is the Pyrrhuloxia is too dumb to operate the bird feeder by itself.

Meantime, the danged Brown-headed cowbirds have arrived. Mercy! It's like Papists at a miracle.

Sad for the resident good birds, but Ray is fixing to pull the feeders until the plague of cowbirds departs. Probably, we should kill them all, the cowbirds, but some of us already feature bad karma over that. Mmm. Cowbird pie.

Say. If everyone knew how delicious cowbirds are, that deliciousness would solve many problems. Like, we could export delicious cowbirds to France or Leander. Or, what about this fact. Cowbird sperm is a well-known aphrodisiac. Would cowbird sperm sell big in Asia or what?

How about this! The best cowbird sperm for lifting a limpy is cowbird sperm that has already been transferred to the female cowbird. But you have to catch the female immediately post fornicantion and eat her right then. Therefore, the particular sperm we are now discussing is extremely rare and valuable.


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