Sunday, April 15, 2012

Stinky Valley Environmental News - Ray Reports

Ray feels like all these dead caterpillars recently found in Stinky Valley may have had functioning assholes after all. No. It was probably not the lack of assholes that did them in. Instead, a pathogen, probably viral or bacterial, may have got them. Course like all environmental reporters in these parts, Ray has only anecdotal evidence supporting his newer hypothesis. To whit, the dead caterpillars turned into black goo. Si. The dearly departed featured as black goo is generally a sign of bacterial or viral infection.

Then too, Ray also noted a couple of deceased C7 lady bugs on a bunch of Rapistrum with mass quantities of caterpillar goo. Maybe those C7s also got into the pathogen. I bet they did. Cause lady bugs sometimes eat caterpillars or caterpillar like vermin that could have also been infesting the Rapistrum, maybe.

Another possibility is that some responsible party or human agent put something on the Rapistrum to kill the Rapistrum. That didn't work, but it did kill the caterpillar that was fixing to eat the Rapistrum. Yet this hypothesis is totally improbable. Remember, the only vegetation management option in Stinky Valley is mowing.

Funny that a caterpillar espies that there is plenty to eat out in the vast bastard rape/Malta starthistle community. And Goddess knows all that mustard and thistle won't be much missed. Then the caterpillar that is only fixing to do its natural job, gets poisoned. How much does that suck? Mucho.

Remember in a previous article Ray reported that the dead caterpillars were also festooning the Texas thiste. Well. What's wacky is, this caterpillar shown below, which may be a Painted American Hussy caterpillar, is doing just fine eating up the Texas thistle. Si. There are lots of these eating up the Texas thistle at this very nonce. What they do is, they build silk nests at the stem ends. Then these shameless hussies loll in silken luxury while dining on the handy yet delicious leaves. The poop accumulates at the opposite end of the boudoir.


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