Stinky Valley Environmental News
Ray has been working on a mystery. And the mystery is, Why are dead caterpillars festooning the weeds in Stinky Valley at this very nonce? Here is one example of the horror Ray has espied.

The plant is Malta starthistle, a very nasty yet pesky weed which has recently become a prominent component of the Stinky Valley flora. The bug is Oncerometopus nigriclavus. The bug may or may not be sucking on the caterpillar. There is a dead caterpillar below the caterpillar with the bug. There is part of another dead caterpillar present also (the black goo hanging from the starthistle flower on the left).
Seems like similar scenes are in evidence across Stinky Valley. The catepillars are liable to be some Noctuid or other, maybe a single species, maybe more. But thousands have died. Countless thousands, I spell you!
Why did they have to die? Well. The current theory is that these particular caterpillars were born without assholes. That's because there weren't enough assholes to go around. It was like a temporary shortage due to Homo sapiens getting most of the assholes.
Yet the caterpillars were unaware that they had no assholes. So the caterpillars ate along as caterpillars are wont to do naturally. But the shit that accumulated in the caterpillars had no place to go. So the caterpillars, swollen up by their own shit, burst.

The plant is Malta starthistle, a very nasty yet pesky weed which has recently become a prominent component of the Stinky Valley flora. The bug is Oncerometopus nigriclavus. The bug may or may not be sucking on the caterpillar. There is a dead caterpillar below the caterpillar with the bug. There is part of another dead caterpillar present also (the black goo hanging from the starthistle flower on the left).
Seems like similar scenes are in evidence across Stinky Valley. The catepillars are liable to be some Noctuid or other, maybe a single species, maybe more. But thousands have died. Countless thousands, I spell you!
Why did they have to die? Well. The current theory is that these particular caterpillars were born without assholes. That's because there weren't enough assholes to go around. It was like a temporary shortage due to Homo sapiens getting most of the assholes.
Yet the caterpillars were unaware that they had no assholes. So the caterpillars ate along as caterpillars are wont to do naturally. But the shit that accumulated in the caterpillars had no place to go. So the caterpillars, swollen up by their own shit, burst.
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