Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rayetta's Mudding Station

All righty.   Many may have old dog food dishes lying around collecting water for the mosquitoes to breed in.  But you may wish to put that old dog food dish to a better or at least different use.  Here's what you can do.  Make a butterfly mudding station for your thirsty butterflies.

Fill your old dog dish with sand.   Put in some water.  Optionally, you may add some decorative rocks for the butterflies to stand on, so they won't get their nasty little feet wet or dirty up the water with their nasty little feet.  Course, they may never actually stand on the decorative rocks.  That's why the decorative rocks are optional.

To actually attract the butterflies, you may wish to add something to the water.  For example, Ray or Crumby, whoever changes out the hummingbird feeders, now pours the old hummingbird feeder food into the mudding station.  Or, you may wish to pee into the mudding station.  Many butterflies like human pee.


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