Friday, May 04, 2012

Stinky Valley Environmental News

Following a wet winter, the rains have ceased this spring.  That's right.  Stinky Valley has received no spring rain.  Nada.  So when you visitors and immigrants or immigrunts from foreign parts plan  a Stinky Valley trip, we would appreciate if you'd bring us along a little water.  Even if it's just a Mason jar full, that would be better than nothing, by a long shot.

Yes.  Here's what you should do if you want to help save the faltering environment in these parts.  (Remember, the shopping will continue to be great for many years to come. if we have some cool, clear water).  Yepper!  Just fill up whatever container is handy, the more volume the better, and tote it along when you come to visit or inhabit.  Then, when you arrive at Stinky Valley, your water deposit destination, pour that water out on a deserving perennial.  Can't identify a deserving perennial by yourself?  Course you can't.  Well.  That's OK.  Just pour it out on any bare dirt or plant that/s handy. 

The Bosom Brotherhood figures that if enough of you visitors, primarily shoppers to the Stinky Valley strip malls, brought water, we could easily maintain our vegetation for another season or two.  Mercy!  Please bring us a little H2O.  Thanks in advance from the Bosom Brotherhood, RGVECB.


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