Friday, October 12, 2012

Crumby and the Coffee

As most know,   the only coffee Crumby will normally drink is Chock Full O' Nuts Instant.  But since Crumby is the only person in these parts (maybe statewide) that actually drinks Chock Full O' Nuts instant, (none of the stores here carry it), he has to order his coffee from New York City (NYC).  Course  the NYC vendor  just featured a special on Crumby's Chock Full coffee, 20% off, so Crumby ordered a box.  The box comes with 12 jars inside.  But then when the box arrived, nobody was here to help Crumby fetch it from the front porch into the house. 

Oh dear!  According to Crumby that coffee box almost wrestled him to death' s foreboding door.  That's how weak  I have done got, Ray.  Formally, I could handily juggle four of them boxes.   But now just one is liable to be the death of me.  Plus,  the way I  only get two cups a day,  I'm liable to die long before I can drink my special coffee all up.

Yep.  Crumby's recovery, or not, is a cross we all bear.

Meanwhile, excitement at the CB reached a fever pitch yesterday when the termites took flight.  Depicted below is a termite swept from mid air,  then transferred from the butterfly net to a plastic jar, whence, it got its picture took, I mean taken. Now that was interesting watching thousands of termites take off from an unmown mess of bermuda grass in the worst neighbor's yard.  But what was even more interesting was that 100-200 green darner dragonflies were ambushing the bejesus out of those miserable termites.  It was incredible.  Termite wings ripped from the termites drifted on the breeze, stirred to frenzied dance at the swift passage of a dragon or two.  Yes.  I had to watch out lest the termite wings get in my eyes or nostrils.

You know, green darners are regular at the CB.  But not in huge numbers.  So how did they decide to all show up at once just in time to eat those termites, thus keeping the termites from eating the CB structures.  It was like a miracle.  A miracle from the Goddess. 


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