Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ever the dawn is the hope of men.

Title is parapharasing Tolkien maybe. Yet on those occasions when Ray espies one of Ogma's more colorful risings he may say out loud, Ever the dawn is the hope of men. Course that's all silly what with the advent of security lighting, night vision goggles or the all pervasive light pollution prevalent in these parts, etc. It's like, there is no true night. So how can dawn be the hope of men? OK. It could be that the Dawn we are now discussing is not necessarily the mere, mundane arising of Ogma Sunface, but some strumpet or Naiad faunching along that is ever the hope of men. Maybe so. Anyhow, here is another CB sunrise over and around the tree of paradise which Crumby planted in the backyard against his better judgement in a so far vain attempt to lure crossbills. OK WG. I am doing a Big Ass Year. So maybe now at last You could send a crossbill or two to the backyard. No! Yes! Maybe Baby! Mercy!
Since Crumby reached 85 sp. the Big Ass Year has been on hold. That's why Crumby made a detour to the Stinky Valley shopping center pond on his way to the HEB this morning. Goodness! Crumby rode his bicycle. But man alive it was surely too cold for bicycle rides this morning. Yet even given the incredibly frigid conditions prevalent in Stinky Valley on this day, Crumby espied twain ducks and twain grebes on the pond. Druid vision revealed that the twain ducks were ring-necks, that should be named ring-bills, and the other twain were grebes. Druid vision indicated pied-billed grebes, but those grebes could also be least grebes. Except they weren't, according to Druid vision. Nevertheles, after Crumby did his frigid ride to the HEB he determined to go back and check on the grebes with bins. Naturally, when Crumby eventually returned, the silly ducks were still around, but the grebes were gone or hiding in the reeds. So Crumby has now missed yet another bird, to whit grebe.


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