Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Big Ass Buteos

For the last several days, hawks have been migrating over the CB.  Not by the millions, but in ones and twos.  Yet today, a great many flew over between 10am and 1pm.  How many is a great many?  Unknown, because a great many could have flown over many times.  Yes.  It's hard to determine how many times an average ornithologer observes the same hawk over and over. 

The most buteos Crumby counted in sight at one time was 18.  So there were at least that many.   Here are some Big Ass Year documentation photos of  a  broad-winged and a Swainson's shot during today's excitement.  The  time was gray.  Therefore, the pictures are not good.  Also,  the chimney swifts are back.


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