Thursday, March 27, 2014

Noah the Movie, an Important Review

Crumby was fixing to write up a diatribe about St. Patrick (SP) vs. the Faeries.  But he missed the “green” day.  So what’s the point.  Besides, everybody knows SP claimed to be a pagan killer.  Why should we publicize that?

So, with a new Christian/Jew mega-movie out, Crumby decided to switch from SP to Noah.  Because Noah, may have been responsible for importing the regular pig, (Sus scrofa domesticus) to Wales, enabling the Welsh to do, something or other, eventually, maybe.  Actually, the Arkite theory is that Noah, while sailing about, made port somewhere in Wales, and dropped off the pigs.  Presumably, Wales was by then already saved from the flood or fairly dried out, but still featuring a great many potential wallows.  So from that day to this, the pigs and the Welsh are considered commensal.

Eventually, the pigs, finding themselves constrained or hemmed in unnecessarily in a mere fraction of  the southwest of the British Isles, immigrated just about everywhere, even to Jerusalem, China and Iceland (still rare when compared to sheep).  In far Jerusalem those particular pigs became infested with Demons.  Mercy!   Probably the low humidity and great heat contributed to the Demon infestation the pigs suffered from during their time dwelling in the harsh, sere conditions in those parts of the Roman Empire. Pigs don’t much like hot, dry weather.  Plus, those parts had plenty of Demons in the first place.

Meantime Noah needed to repopulate the planet except for those high altitude locations where the wicked had survived in spite of the flood.  And while it is certain that all people dwelling at that time in the imaginary land of Gonnorhea, where Noah was from, were totally wicked or evil, and got drowned like rats, further out from that area Gonnorhea, areas largely ignored by Jehovah, the people, like in Wales, were only ignorant of Jehovah, and therefore, not knowingly evil.  Well.  Some of them were probably evil totally, but not knowingly.   So even though they were totally evil, it didn’t count.

Many may have noticed by now that Crumby has not actually seen the movie, Noah.  The fact is, Crumby has not even seen the trailer for Noah all the way through.  So this review will be continued once the movie, Noah,  has devolved to the small screen, also known as TV.


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