Friday, August 22, 2014

Just put your lips together and blow!

Crumby already had two, nice, relatively sanitary Wenger whistles.  Relatively sanitary because the Wenger whistles are like sort of separate from the rest of the tools in the knife.  So when an average person blows on the Wenger whistle, only the whistle goes in his or her mouth.  Not the whole dang knife, like with this whistle.

Mercy!  Yes.  Crumby finally lost all sense of perspective.  That's right.  Driven insane by tool lust, Crumby purchased a used Victorinox whistle, thus violating most of his sak collecting guidelines and all the laws of personal hygiene.

Well.  Maybe not all the rules of personal hygiene.  First thing Crumby did after unwrapping the whistle was to examine it meticulously under a hand lens for bite marks.  Any bite marks or toofer sign, back it goes.  Crumby vowed.  Luckily the knife or whistle was as the vendor described,  only perhaps some shelf wear? on one end of the bottom scale.  The meticulous exam concluded Crumby swabbed the outside of the new arrival with  an alcohol/vinegar solution on a cotton ball.  After that, Crumby applied the same solution on a Q-tip as for as he could get into the interiors of the whistle holes.  Only later, after the disinfecting chemicals had dried, did Crumby  blow this whistle.  Then, he cleaned it again and put it in a plastic bag where it shall reside until Crumby figures out what to do with it.

This picture is done with a Rokinon 8mm fisheye.  A strange lens for a strange sak.


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