Saturday, June 09, 2018

Another Dragonfly in Flight

This is most likely a different comet darner than the previous.  This one did not hoover.  It just hauled ass.  Because of the clouds and the shade it was in, the 60d needed to be set to iso 1600;  which produces very noisy images.  Noisy I tell you. However, Crumby likes this particular picture a lot because the dragonfly has his held straight, yet his body is twisted sideways .

One attribute of the 60d that has helped Crumby with dif shots is back button focus which is where the AF-On button does the focus and the shutter button only takes the picture.  So the shutter mechanism and focusing are decoupled.

Crumby never liked autofocus on his 60d.  Accuracy was hit or miss and with most lenses there was lots of hunting.  But for whatever reason, the back button is more accurate and locks focus way faster than the shutter button.


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