Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Solstice

Celebrating the summer solstice in northern climes, like for example Sweden,  makes sense.  Like you get some relief from all the cannibalism and incest that runs rampant on  shorter days.  But here in Tejas, celebrating the solstice is kind of stupid.   That's because the Sun shining longer, therefore, making the day hotter, when it's too hot already, is hardly a cause for celebration.  Plus, cannibalism and incest are probably climate independent in these parts.  But never mind anyway.  Tejans don't celebrate the Solstice regardless.  It's not in their nature.

So to celebrate the Summer Solstice today,  Crumby overslept.  Then, instead of heading out to the multi-dammed river,  where he meant to go kayaking if he hadn't overslept, he went to the sewage ponds instead.  The sewage ponds, where nature meets shit, beloved of Odonate hunters and Class Aves silly persons alike.  However. Crumby has nothing much to report from that lat-long.   Well, maybe a nice female russet-tipped clubtail.  She is hot.  But that's it.

So instead,  Crumby shall celebrate Summer Solstice with a recount of his Odonate adventures from last Friday on Town Lake, Red Bud Island vicinity.  All these are from those parts.

Gray waisted skimmer female

Slaty skimmer permutation 1

Slaty skimmer permutation 2

Slaty skimmer permutation 3

Royal river cruiser in flight

Orange shadowdragon teneral male with exuvia


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