Saturday, July 09, 2005

Raymone's Word du Jour - euhemerize

eu·he·mer·ism n.

A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes.

[After Euhemerus, fourth-century B.C. Greek philosopher.]

tr.v. eu·he·mer·ized, eu·he·mer·iz·ing, eu·he·mer·iz·es

To explain or interpret euhemeristically.

This word is important. If you get euhemerized you become a god or goddess.

I want to become a god or goddess. How do I do that?

Easy that. You get people to tell lots of stories about you. At first the stories are just more or less facts, about you, then the stories become myths and then the myths take on lives of their own and you become a god or goddess. All this could take a while.

A couple of apparently sincerely dead examples of euhemrized gods are King Arthur and Jesus. Cu Chulaind is an example of this sort too. His myth, has him getting sacrificed to the goddess, like Samson and Hercules and a bunch of other heroes, that get themselves sacrificed.

Nancy, the Goddess of Practical Jokes, on the other hand, is an example of someone living, who has become so totally famous, due to all her works, that even though she is really a living Druidess, she is already so famous, that she is a goddess. None of us can think of a practical joke without seeing a vision of good ol Nancy.


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