Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day -New Compooter

It is up and more or less working, soooooooooo, as chief chronicler it is my oblgation to allude to the following:

1) The Dell Demension 5100C comes without a parallel port. We had to purchase a parallel to USB adapter to plug in the Laser printer. We could have put a parallel port into the one available slot, but may need that for something else.

2) Every software program packaged with the computer that we have checked so far required an internet update including a really dumb one in Dell Jasc Paint Shop..

3) The computer crashed after installing the ISP software.

4) The monitor does not seem to want to work at anywhere near the recommended screen resolution.

5) The very first screen after bootup has an idiot message telling the end user to read the end user agreement before continuing. However, there is no hard copy of this document included with shipped material so you can't. It is however, on the very next screen if you hit the next button.

6) Nobody can as yet figure out how to file pictures in the Camedia program, but this may be Cow Barn user error.

7) Help calls so far; Dell 2, SBC 1.

The above is why Red has resisted an upgrade for 7 years.

But on the good side, everthing seems ot be working so far more or less now, and the only hardware we still need to hook are the zip drive and scanner, both USB. Although, we also need to get a new browser/e-mail because the one that comes with SBC Yahoo looks like it was designed by Fat Freddy's cat.


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