Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Uh, Nancy, the Goddess of Practical Jokes informs me, Ray that Blodeuwedd and Badgemagus had chocolate pie for desert at supper last night.

Jangly is the adverb in these parts. Yesterday the Demon Heat wrought 107.

The Crumby Ovate foresees "Follow the money trail!", and reminds, the reason, under NEPA, that re-evaluations happen on big projects, is because the contractor wants more money to do something different than what was proposed in the first place. Then the contractor and it's surrogates whine about having to do paper work (red tape) to account for their gluttonous ways. Under supplemental spending, it's way harder to follow the money trail, and the republicans are supplementally looting the national treasury.


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