Sunday, October 30, 2005

Raymone's Word du Jour

From the wisdom of Ms. Merriam Webster:

shill n. one who acts as a decoy (as for a pitchman or gambler)

So if Monsieur Ray was over at the Farmer's Market, hawking herbal remidies, and I, Raymone purchased a herbal remedy and testifed in public as to its efficacy, I would be Ray's shill if Ray and I had arranged the whole show beforehand.

In the broadest context we Druids can imagine for the spell, shill, drawing a salary from a corporate sponsor would suffice to earn the title, shill, because working for a corporation, and taking the money, implies endorsement of the corporation and its products/actions. The Druids suppose, that almost everyone is a shill in that sense. The options open to the worker wishing to both draw a salary for a protracted period of time beyond the limbo of probationary status from a corporate sponsor include the same processes that are identified under NEPA for impacts to the environment; to whit, avoid, minimize and mitigate for, being a shill.


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