Friday, November 25, 2005

Get Screwed

Are screws just life as Dr. Prissy Pants might say, or are they justification for the extermination of the entire human race down to the last man, woman and child with hideous pain and torture integral to the extermination process and assured for each and every man, woman, child and innocent tiny baby. You can decide!

Immediately below this spell is the header and body of a very nice and polite e-mail Lomo sent to the business that sold him a mount and tripod with the context pertaining primarily to a particular screw.

Screws for the PLTQR release plate

I have been attaching a C90 and Lomo Astele 95 to my tripod with this quick release. Trouble is, with just one screw I get lotsa wobble. Also I have just about reamed out the screw head slot. Is there any way I could buy a few extra screws along with another plate?

So far, of course, we have not received a reply. So Ray and Lomo went down to Home Depot to see if they could purchase a close proximity of the screw in question. Course not to that idea.

So here is the gist of the nub. How the heck would anyone ever think that one little screw would be sufficient to steady the mass of a three pound telescope? They say the product in toto will do that.
Our tripod and mount and quick release system will be just hunky dory for your little telescope.
But where the rubber meets the road so to speak, one little tiny shrew of a screw is the interphase between the telescope and the mount. You have no idea how much this pisses me off. Further more, this particular screw puts me in mind of all the infuriating auto repair sessions I used to be involved with when a mere mortal could fix cars his self, sometimes, maybe. And now I am really getting pissed off even more. Jeez Louise. I got to stop for a minute and take some deep breaths.

All righty then.
All righty then.
All righty then.

All righty then. To the immediate east and southeast are some photographs of this particular screw and below are some measureminks. Also there is a picture of the Goddess forsaken quick release plate. Notice all the holes drilled in the quick release plate. You know how many screws come with it? One Goddess damn screw. Oops. I shouldn’t have spelled that! Too late now. Yikes.! I’ll get some payback for spelling that, fer sure. I better not go anywhere today.

mass = 5g; total length = 12mm; depth of head = 2mm; diameter of head = 12mm; unthreaded shaft length = 5mm; threaded shaft length = 5mm; width of threaded shaft = 6mm or about 1/4 inch

So you decide. Does the human race have any reason to exist, or not?

You see that picture with the balance scale. That depicts a useful item for determining the mass of small objects and drugs, like, for example, salt peter. I am entirely satisfied with the performance of that particular balance scale, but you have no idea how much trouble I went through acquiring it. And I'm not going to spell about that because that spell would only get me riled up again.


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