Friday, November 04, 2005


Ms. Merriam Webster, 2. firm adherenece to a code of of especially moral or artisitic values: incorruptibility

I think perhaps this is the form of the word meant that is showing up in the presidential performance polls one hears about.

What is surprising about these polls, if they accurately reflect the views of the adult population, which they assuredly may not because the sample size is too small, is that so many adults indicate they have about the same quality of integrity as the little king. This is troubling, to me. For the implication is that 371 out of 1006 American adults believe it is OK to go for unbridled economic and environmental exploitation to further enable the already too rich. This also indicates that the moral values of those 371 adults includes exploitation as OK, and that they are probably, personally facilitating the exploitation and sharing in the loot.

To put it another way, if lying and gluttony are a part and parcel of your integrity, then there is nothing wrong, from your perspective, with lying and gluttony. Furthermore, you would not feel the least bit put upon, if you observed similar patterns of integrity in others, especially if such patterns reinforced your integrity and trended to your benefit. In addition, you would mightily resent anyone who questioned your integrity and you would point to the fact that you do have integrity, because your integrity includes lying and gluttony as OK.

In any event, and to re-iterate, if 371 adults out of 1006 share the integrity of the little king and his ministers, that 37% is a very scary number. That high a percentage in the general population is way more than enough to seize state power. What actions might such a state take against those who objected to exploitation of labor or the environment? Yikes! Soon nothing would be left to conserve and all the conservers would be in jail, deported to France, or dead.

I foretell a divided America of gated communities and open spaces where only the rich and powerful dwell, the 37% minus all the dupes that thought they were included. And the rest of the people have no illusions concerning their role in that society. But maybe this is not a foretelling at all, but just sinusitis.


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