Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ray's Thought for the Day

Mosquitoes can be a little aggravation. Actually, mosquitoes can on occasion rise above the little aggravation level to the small annoyance level. This occurs when they jump on a person in such numbers, and are so hungry that they keep a person wholly occupied with self-defense. When you start asking yerself, What do these mosquitoes eat when I'm not here?, it's time to go somewheres else. The same applies to chiggers, only more so. Although, the fire ants seem to have done a number on the chiggers, so much so, that I am waxing somewhat nostagic about chiggers. It's been many moons since 100's of 'em got on me at once.

Reckon what sharp-tailed and seaside sparrows and short-billed marsh wrens do about mosquitoes? Seem like living all yer whole life, 24/7 with mosquitoes would be constantly annoying. So those birds must know something I don't about getting along with mosquitoes.

I have heard the ignorant and vulgar ask the question, If god loves us, why did he make mosquitoes? Well the answer to that is, god loves mosquitoes and he made the ignorant and vulgar to serve as mosquito food. Ask a stupid question, ye get a stupid answer, maybe.

So all this is by way of making amends fer the gcw habitat misspell of before Samuin. But as that turned into a lesson, and all's well as ends better, I Ray, am once more firmly clasped to the bosom of the WG.

Ray, Baby, Ray


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