as to the cow I distrust them, some are evil, most are big gluttons eaten everything in sight, no matter ifn its poison, got spines or makes go crazy the won't stop eating. I distrust also because they have lots of time to think and even though they got a puny little brain every once an a while after days of thinkin they come up with some evil mischief. We maybe smarter to eatum than do like them Hindus who keep around all the time till they get very skilled and cause problems.
That is sur red,
as to the cow I distrust them, some are evil, most are big gluttons eaten everything in sight, no matter ifn its poison,
got spines or makes go crazy the won't stop eating.
I distrust also because they have lots of time to think and even though they got a puny little brain every once an a while after days of thinkin they come up with some evil mischief. We maybe smarter to eatum than do like them Hindus who keep around all the time till they get very skilled and cause problems.
The more we eat, the more there are.
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