Euphorbia (Chamaesyce) glyptosperma
Yikes. Ray, me bosom buddy. I feel terrible about foistin’ all my nervous energy on ye. Did that oatmeal fix ye right up?
It did indeed Crumby. I am restored to my old self. How’d yer lecture go on Vent Operation?
It was a great success Ray. But I see now that without yer help, given unknowingly, I would never have been apt to carry that lecture off. So we, that is the twain of us two, must work on our collective nerves and get them boogers under better control. Anyway, it’s sure good to be back at the CB where things are lots less strange than at the Tabby Lab and nice to be back with the spurges also. And fer a wonder and coincidence, I’m doin’ some light spurge work right now if ye would care to sit in.
All righty then.
Here’s another spurge from the Pantex Reservation, Potter County, 1995. Actually, to be perfectly honest, the seeds may be from one plant and the flowers are from a second plant, maybe. This photographic strategy happened for technical reasons. In any event, note the ridges on the seeds and the stumpy but wide petaloid appendages of the flowers. Also, ye may be able to discern that the terminal ends of the leaves have some little glandular teeth. Well, it’s a good thing I, Crumby am reviewing these with improved observation equipment because both these speciminks were identified as E. serpens. Oops! All’s well that waxes better.
So hep me load em up.
All righty then!
And I was thinkin that tonight’s lesson, now that this particular spurge du jour is historical, would be Zapatistas.
Senor Emiliana Zapata is renowned because he is considered a fair enough revolutionary to become the subject of Hollywood and for better reasons as well. And Senor Zapata, due to his anarchist proclivities is a hero to many in these parts including us Cow Barn Druids. He fought for the economic as well as the political rights of the indigenous people in his home part of Mexico. Ultimately, Zapata got himself killed and the people mostly lost what their revolution gained, but the Zapatistas persist and fight on to this very day. Our pal Guillermo actually saw a great many of the Zapatistas a marchin’ down the streets of Palenque, and all the people were lined up along the streets, cheerin’ happily. Yepper, Hope Remains is here and there as well.
She is indeed Crumby. Uh, oh. Look who has arrived! This will be a good work out fer my newly restored round chest. Howdy, Sugarplum and Sweetiepie.
Hey there Ray. Hope yer feelin’ better. And thereto be the now famous Crumby, it is indeed we twain, Sugarplum and myself, Sweetiepie come to ask of ye a question that has much afflicted us.
What might that be Sweetiepie?
Well Ray, we was wonderin’ if them spurges has triplicate parts in honor of Our Goddess?
Why certainly Sweetiepie and Sugarplum, one seed fer Blodeuwedd, one fer Arianrhod and one fer Cerridwen. Aint that so Crumby?
Certainly Ray, certainly. It makes no sense, otherwise. Now what’s fer supper? Somethin’ smells aromatic. Are ye young Tabby Labbers hungry?
We are a mite hungry Crumby if I may be so bold to speak fer the both of us, that is fer Sweetiepie and myself Sugarplum, fer Nancy was correct when she foretold that Tabber Labbers of our particular age an’ activity level.................
It did indeed Crumby. I am restored to my old self. How’d yer lecture go on Vent Operation?
It was a great success Ray. But I see now that without yer help, given unknowingly, I would never have been apt to carry that lecture off. So we, that is the twain of us two, must work on our collective nerves and get them boogers under better control. Anyway, it’s sure good to be back at the CB where things are lots less strange than at the Tabby Lab and nice to be back with the spurges also. And fer a wonder and coincidence, I’m doin’ some light spurge work right now if ye would care to sit in.
All righty then.
Here’s another spurge from the Pantex Reservation, Potter County, 1995. Actually, to be perfectly honest, the seeds may be from one plant and the flowers are from a second plant, maybe. This photographic strategy happened for technical reasons. In any event, note the ridges on the seeds and the stumpy but wide petaloid appendages of the flowers. Also, ye may be able to discern that the terminal ends of the leaves have some little glandular teeth. Well, it’s a good thing I, Crumby am reviewing these with improved observation equipment because both these speciminks were identified as E. serpens. Oops! All’s well that waxes better.
So hep me load em up.
And I was thinkin that tonight’s lesson, now that this particular spurge du jour is historical, would be Zapatistas.
Senor Emiliana Zapata is renowned because he is considered a fair enough revolutionary to become the subject of Hollywood and for better reasons as well. And Senor Zapata, due to his anarchist proclivities is a hero to many in these parts including us Cow Barn Druids. He fought for the economic as well as the political rights of the indigenous people in his home part of Mexico. Ultimately, Zapata got himself killed and the people mostly lost what their revolution gained, but the Zapatistas persist and fight on to this very day. Our pal Guillermo actually saw a great many of the Zapatistas a marchin’ down the streets of Palenque, and all the people were lined up along the streets, cheerin’ happily. Yepper, Hope Remains is here and there as well.
She is indeed Crumby. Uh, oh. Look who has arrived! This will be a good work out fer my newly restored round chest. Howdy, Sugarplum and Sweetiepie.
Hey there Ray. Hope yer feelin’ better. And thereto be the now famous Crumby, it is indeed we twain, Sugarplum and myself, Sweetiepie come to ask of ye a question that has much afflicted us.
What might that be Sweetiepie?
Well Ray, we was wonderin’ if them spurges has triplicate parts in honor of Our Goddess?
Why certainly Sweetiepie and Sugarplum, one seed fer Blodeuwedd, one fer Arianrhod and one fer Cerridwen. Aint that so Crumby?
Certainly Ray, certainly. It makes no sense, otherwise. Now what’s fer supper? Somethin’ smells aromatic. Are ye young Tabby Labbers hungry?
We are a mite hungry Crumby if I may be so bold to speak fer the both of us, that is fer Sweetiepie and myself Sugarplum, fer Nancy was correct when she foretold that Tabber Labbers of our particular age an’ activity level.................
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