Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hope for Ray

Goodness gracious sakes alive. The weather has been cold and cloudy lately. Last night we got a solitary tic in the rain gauge which gets us up to 2.6 tics for “I am Cotton for Spit Month and the CB Tree is Two Species of Aesculus”. Yepper, we should have some few bluebonnets anon. A few is much better than one, maybe.

Which brings to mind a sad story. Many moons ago, Crumby was out and about and chanced to venture upon a newly fenced off construction site hard upon a great highway. But Crumby new that particular site had Cymopterus macrorhizus habitating on it. C. macrorhizous is a pretty and diminutive carrot, endemic to these parts. So Crumby rescued three of these little carrots when no one was looking. Alas, two of the little carrots expired and are thrown upon the Mercy of the Goddess. But one persists, all alone. So now we would very much like to find our little carrot a companion or two. If anyone knows where we could find our little carrot some company, please let us know.

Goodness. Look who’s here. Hello Rayetta.

Hello Hope. Hope dear, have you been keeping up with Ray and Olwen?

Why yes, I have Rayetta. It certainly appears that Ray’s prospects are waxing fortuitous.

Hmmmm. Yes, Ray appears well accoutered. What more could a girl ask for?


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