Thursday, June 01, 2006

Red's pert near recovered

It's a good thing Druids recover fast. Now the hurt leg feels about as good as the other one. Practical Nurse Bill had some crutches, fer me. But alas I sprung the other leg usin' 'em. But a night of repose upon the Ample Bosoms of the Goddess has fixed me right on up. So now I can hobble around as well as ever.

We have a fair shower today so far at the CB which is greatly appreciated by everyone, plus more is on the way, maybe, and that would be appreciated too.

Crumby, Lomo, Hope, Olwen White Track, Ray and Rayetta sneaked in here late last night like a bunch of stray cats. I found 'em on the porch, yowlin' to be let in and fed. Soon as Crumby wakes up, he needs to do a Sedge Buster.


Yep. We're back. And I learned some stuff from my adventure. But it all touches on the Druidic mysteries, so I won't discuss any of it in this venue in front of the ignorant and vulgar except in code because all those mysteries are secret.

But, I will share these foretellings.

1) Avoid working for the ruling class if you can do that without starving yourself or your loved ones.

2) Arm yourself as best you possibly can to protect yourself against the government and the ruling class which has abandoned you, unless you are them.

Today's Sedge du Jour is Scleria ciliata. The achenes are really hard to get good pictures of. What's interesting about this one is that the achene (the golf ball looking affair)is elevated over a little pedestal on a central pillar. Ye can perhaps espy that in the photo. The little pedestal is called a hypogonium. Those little lateral pillars are actually outgrowths of the achene. They barely grow down long enough to barely touch the pedestal.

Yepper a good picture of that achene was hard. Harder than unscrewing a Chinese light bulb out of the socket once it's burned out, maybe. So we got two pictures today, fer ye. One is a Scleria ciliata achene, to wise ye up on another little wonder, maybe, and the other is a public service alert on the dangers of defective lightbulbs that won't screw out once they're burnt out, and they burn out quicker than average. You may be able to see what happens when you attempt to screw them out. The threaded base comes loose. I have had to unscrew them with pliars after the bulb part separated. This one that's depicted hung together long enough to get it out of the socket. This Potential Safety Topic - environmental hazard is vended by Walgreens stores. The bulbs spell China, on 'em. The package is blue in color and spells 4 Standard Light bulbs. Both the 100 and 75 watt ones are similarly defective and dangerous, Will Robinson!


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