Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - It's Faith Based, Baby!

All righty then, everybody who has lotsa faith is supposed to do like Jesus said and give a bunch of alms to the poor. But who the heck do the faithful give the alms to. Easy that, the preacher. Then the preacher, together with his helpers, makes sure the alms are put to good works, or go toward good works, or go toward processes that may lead to good works, eventually.

However, there are lotsa heathens who don't tithe because they are heathens. In fact, because they are heathens, they don't give any alms to the poor via the preacher. But the heathens with jobs do pay taxes probably, so the preachers have decided that since America is a Christian country, they, the preachers need to get contributions from the heathens. This process, getting the alms from the heathens is called faith based funding. The way it works is, the preacher has some of his helpers write up a grant proposal for federal funding of a good work. Then, lo and behold, the feds fork over a bunch of money to the preacher, if the preacher is well connected, politically, and most of the big words in the grant proposal are spelled correctly. Er, come to think on it, well-connected trumps spelling by a wide margin, maybe.

The really neat part is that because everybody knows preachers can be trusted with lotsa money, there is no need for any federal oversight of the disbursed funds. Everyone just knows automatically that the funds will be put to good works. And the heathens, well, they have been robbed. But what the heck, let the heathens rage.

Hoover hogs are starting to look, delicious!


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