Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - Worthies of Espyization

Yepper! The Great Orion Nebula, all alone, is worth the price of admission. Yepper, by the time I, Crumby the Ovate, navigated the stygian darkness, Lleu Llaw had all the telescopery gear set up and focused in on the Great Orion Nebula. So without further ado, we perused all that for a great long while. Then also, we perused the neighborhood of the Wiener Sock for awhile, that some call Orion's Rabbit Sword. Yepper, there are many interesting celestial wonders that glitter upon that particular wiener sock or rabbit sword, whichever.

Put up the gear, please, for Ogma betrays the Druidry, yet again, Lleu Llaw. And this time remember to tote the notes back into the laboratory, if you don't mind.

Yessir, Crumby.


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