Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Environmental Conditions Continue to Worsen

Yep, they do. Once more the rain falleth not at all. It could be weeks and weeks before we get another shower. We are kept busy, irrigating. Aquifer levels south of the river are low, low, low. So it's time, again, to remind those of you immigrating to these parts, don't. But if you do immigrate here in spite of this good advice, bring your own water.

I pity the poor immigrant
who wishes he had brought along some water.
But he didn't bring along any water,
And wound up dying of thirst.

Yep. That could be you, potential immigrant. The Austin Chamber of Trickle Down Commerce wanted to give me, Ray Pistrum, a conservation award for that verse. But I said, "No, no, no, a Druid can't take that kind of award considering our unfair competitive advantage over the competition."


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