Friday, September 29, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Slow Talker in the State of Denial

You know, now that it's Okie Dokie to torture all the foreigners, maybe US Homelanders could make an exception and torture a slow talker journalist along with all the foriegners and foreigner sympathizers. A little torture might get him up to speed.

All righty then. You know all those scenarios that you may imagine where a little torture might save somebody's property rights. How about this imaginary scenario? You espy a bunch of ignoramus foreign children fooling around where you have reason to suspect a bomb could be planted. You can't just let the bomb go off and destroy private property or hurt somebody. Those children know something. So you round up those foreign ignoramus children that are fooling around in their neighborhood. But they won't talk. So they need a little persuasion. Yep. It's Okie Dokie to torture those children. No one will ever know.


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