Friday, December 15, 2006

Rayetta's December Butterflies - Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) plus a November Surprise

Yepper. My sugaring for butterflies produced only one new butterfly. In fact, it produced only one butterfly, period. However, Ray's stupid Dipterans,and the Hymenoptera showed up in minor abundance. Saved by the Buckeye. This tattered individual put in its first photogenic appearance at the CB, supping upon my potent mixture of stale Dolmen and brown sugar. Praise the Goddess! This butterfly is big toward the small end and tame, due to inebriation. That's 1- - 1 on the Rayetta scales.

Crumby, Ray and Lleu Llaw are still out there monitoring the situation. Actually, Ray and Lleu Llaw are monitoring Crumby. Somebody though, needs to be monitoring Ray, also.

In addition to the Buckeye, I finally got an identifiable photograph of the dainty sulphur (Nathalis iole)today. It counts as a November butterfly. Sulphur diversity at the CB remains incompletely documented. In this instance, Lulu may have stunned the poor little thing, stepping on it. Whatever, this dainty sulphur is tiny and very nervous when not stunned, that's 3- - 3- on the Rayetta scales.

Which reminds me, Ray and Crumby have a pet that attacks my butterflies. It's name is Lulu. Lulu showed no interest in butterflies until I showed an interest in butterflies. Now she is after them. Lulu actually ate an Ubiquitous Snout before my very eyes. Imagine that! Lulu is another reason Ray needs some monitoring.

Bless his heart. Crumby wants to stay out there all night, to enjoy the smell of the stale Dolmen and sugar. Some, with no history of nasal impairment, might not understand Crumby's motivation.


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