Monday, March 12, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Rainfall Update

All righty then. The WG had mercy on the CB. The rain fell into the gauge to the tune of 2.6". So, 10.47" + 2.6" = 13.07". Through 81 days of DY 1 we have been blessed with that much rain. Last night's rain was very much needed, too. We have completed about 22% of the current ellipse around Ogma, that we call DY 1, and already have that much rain in the gauge. Mercy!

Hold it. Something's coming in from the Druid News Service.

Ray Sugar,

Jeez Louise! This Kinglet is such a redundant jerkoff. Now he's blathering about compassion to the miserable Guatemalans. This whole trip has been really boring. Plus, everybody already knows this Kinglet's routine because he is such a redundant jerkoff. Where's the news in that?

Goodness gracious sakes alive! Sending this Kinglet on tour in the guise of the Imperial Wizard of Imperialism is just too funny. But such is not newsworthy. I am really bored so I shall come home early, like tomorrow.

See ya,


Hope Remains
Ace Reporter
Druid News Service

Uh, oh. Sounds like my beautiful girl friend is bored with covering the Kinglet. I can see that.

What else is happening? Halliburton is moving their Mammonite CEO to Dubai. That makes sense. Dubai has a world class golf course.


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