Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Goddess Bless Mrs. Sheehan!!!!

Yepper. Mrs. Sheehan deserves a blessing or two, plus some peace and quiet.

Meantime, the locked in, socked in, no way out crowd makes progress. Off they go, their noggins full of shit. Watching the Parade of the Shitnoggins reminds US of a similar parade made famous in the movie, Animal House. Clues are provided in that movie, Animal House, regarding; “How does US bust up the shitnoggin pararde?”. Every little bit helps.

For example, start skipping those Rudi the Fascist group grope activities at work. You know, the ones that inform you just how important you are in the corporate scheme. Or better yet, misbehave at the meetings. If you can’t come up with a smart comment, fart, you may hit pay dirt, thus clearing out some of the shit in yer noggin. Every little bit helps.

Goddess Bless Mrs. Sheehan!!!!


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