Friday, May 25, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Rainfall Update

Intermittent showers have been falling in and around the capitol city of the Republic of Tejas, lately. Some of that shower activity was indicated in the CB gauge when I checked it this morning. Plus, the rain falls at the CB at this very nonce. But, to avoid any more arthropod drownings, I went ahead and emptied the gauge. So the new total on Day 156 of DY 1 is, 21.45" + 0.60" = 22.05".

As everyone knows, the CB supports the imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq by US because the CB pays taxes. Note, however, that we only surmise that our taxes go to support the imperialist occupation of the miserable Iraqis. They may not go anywhere near there, but we have no way of knowing about that, fer sure.

But hey. Just for the heck of it, let's say that all our CB tax money goes straight into a trust fund for Chitlin's grandchitlins. For all we know, that could be the actual destination of the CB taxes. Yet many might cry out, "How does that destination of yer tax dollars support the imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq?"

Well, consider this. Who is perhaps the Earth's greatest supporter of the US imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq, minus two? Did you guess, Chitlin? Do you believe inheritance plus the environment of those grandchitlins may turn them into nearly exact Chitlin replicates one of these future days? Do you surmise that those grandchitlins shall all get on the TV and holler, "We support the US imperialist occupation of Earth, and you should too!"?

So you see, even though all the CB taxes may be going into a trust fund for Chitlin's grandchitlins, those tax dollars are supporting the US imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq, anyway. Boy howdy, I sure do feel, patriotic.


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