Monday, May 28, 2007

Ray's Thoughts for the Day

1. Sharing

In temperate climes, fer sure, and everywhere else, maybe, all of us have to share the plants. That’s because there are way more different kinds of us animals than there are kinds of plants. Here, depicted electrically and photogenically, is a more or less typical scene, at least two animals sharing one plant. Actually, if the photographer is included, that would make it at least three animals sharing one plant.

The plant photogene depicted is a thistle. Thistles, due to their prickliness maybe, are poorly represented at the CB. Yet that should change, for thistles, despite their prickliness, are kindly towards the many animals that share them. Yep. It may be time to put on some gloves and go a thistle seed collecting.

Perhaps, then once those seeds are collected, I, Ray, shall establish a patch of thistles. Those thistles shall be especially kindly thistles. All the happy little animals shall congregate at those thistles and have parties. Of course, we shall need a thistle party photographer to document all the happy, sunny, thistle parties.

2. Lesquerella grandiflora seeds exposed

Meantime though, the rain falleth a lot. A rainfall update is required once the rain abates. Awaiting rainfall abatement, consider these seeds. They are Lesquerella grandiflora seeds collected from a huge population of Lesquerella grandiflora habitating right near the capital city of the Republic of Tejas. How about that!

These can go out on the former septic field where the introduced dirt is sandy.

3. Rainfall Update

There now. The rain has abated. Whoa! There’s 2.5" in the gauge. How many drowned in this latest deluge? Nope, nobody drowned in the rain gauge. I reckon they all had sense enough to turn around before they dove in. So that makes the rainfall total to date, 22.35" + 2.50" = 24.85", Day 158, DY 1.


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