Saturday, October 04, 2008

Socialism for the Rich is the Same Difference as Fascism

All the patterns indicate that Americano Land is a great big fascist, imperialist police state. Yet, somehow, Americano Land is also the leader of the Free World. How has our precious ruling class resolved this apparent contradiction on a global scale? Easy that, the idea that handily resolved this apparent contradiction is socialism for rich people everywhere.

Socialism for the rich, otherwise known as fascism, is a system in which all the classes in society cooperate to help the rich people. In practice, this means all the people in all the lower classes cooperate to do all the work, provide all the services, and pay all the taxes. The rich people, consequently, are freed up to do what they do best, accumulate wealth.

For Americano Land to continue as leader of the Free World, our rich people must be the richest people anywhere, considered on a global scale. Or, perhaps, our rich people need to at least appear to be the richest people anywhere. That is what leadership is, being at the top, actually or apparently. So our rich people have shown the Globe, recently, that the lower classes of all the people in Americano Land are super supportive of their ruling class of rich people. Yes. The bailout accomplished that, demonstrating to rich people everywhere that the rich people of Americano Land are still the apparent leaders of the Free World.

Yes. All those rich people everywhere, all those foreign rulers, have just seen a demonstration of why the rulers in Americano Land are the leading rulers among rulers all over the Globe. Now, those rich foreign rulers must engineer bailouts in their own societies, just to keep up with our rich people.

Yes. Our rich people have secured a bailout, saved themselves from looking like a bunch of losers and demonstrated leadership to all the foreign rulers. But to what extent are our rich people rulers, actually our rulers. Well, they are our rulers, actually, but are they exclusively, our rulers?

Happily, our rulers, as leaders of the Free World, are Global. Global means our rulers are free to accumulate wealth anywhere on the planet in cooperation with, I mean competition with, local rulers. This means our rulers are enjoying the benefits derived from the labor and taxes levied on billions of miserable low class foreigners. So by definition, our rulers are not actually, exclusively, our rulers. They get to rule foreigners, too. By the same token, the foreign rulers, as part of the Global deal, get to help rule in Americano Land. The only condition is, those foreign rulers need to acknowledge the leadership of our rulers.

Praise Jesus! The bailout has saved the global leadership of our ruling class. The bailout has saved the free market. The bailout has saved free enterprise. Praise Jesus!


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