Monday, June 15, 2009

Three Big Coyote Yips for Mr. Sam Hamilton

Whoa! According to the daily, Mr. Sam Hamilton may be fixing to get to head up the entire US FWS. That’s right. Cool. Praise the Goddess! Mr. Hamilton may probably get an office and everything.

When Mr. Hamilton worked here, everybody called him Sam. He didn’t get much respect. The fact is, the property rights goons, eternally pissed off over the loss of great grand dad’s Negroes, were constantly fixing to murder Sam. Plus, Sam had only the miserable resources of the US FWS to rely on. He couldn’t just call in the 82nd Airborne to protect himself.

So there Sam was, receiving terrorist death threats over the phone while simultaneously breathing in carpet mold. That’s right. Anybody who has been to the Fish office knows that the greatest threat to life in those parts is carpet mold.

Anyhow, Mr. Hamilton survived both the property rights terrorists and the carpet mold. So congratulations on your knew potential job, Mr. Hamilton.


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