Boopedon gracile NO! Melanoplus angustipennis
No. The depicted is not Boopedon gracile. It's Melanoplus angustipennis. Crumby misidentified this grasshopper originally. But now Crumby has more experience with the CB grasshoppers.
Here’s another good potential mantra, Boopedon gracile. The fact is, all a person has to do to turn Boopedon gracile into a larruping mantra is make sure to pronounce all three syllables in gracile. BOOP-E-DON GRA-CI-LE. With three in gracile, that gives the official mantra total, six.
Any spiritual benefits one may derive from Boopdon gracile aside, this particular grasshopper species, judging from all the internet photos, must be abundant in these parts.

Any spiritual benefits one may derive from Boopdon gracile aside, this particular grasshopper species, judging from all the internet photos, must be abundant in these parts.
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