Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus), Maybe

Apparently, the females also may nectar. Good Goddess! Is nectar a verb? Mercy!
Interestingly, this mosquito species, if that’s what it is, a mosquito species, does not come in the house like many of the other mosquito species. Actually, it may come in the house, but so far, it has not been photographed in the house. Neither have any of the other mosquito species been photographed in the house. Yet everyone here knows, they are in the house. Well maybe not at this very nonce. But they do come in the house frequently.
This particular mosquito species, Aedes albopictus, if that’s what it is, a mosquito, was once confined to Asia. Yet now, it has spread its wings beyond the miserable confines of the Asian continent. Yes. These days it has gone other places besides Asia, like here. Yes. Here it may be in the wretched Republico Booblico.
Huh-huh. This alleged mosquito species, if it is a mosquito, is a dengue fever vector. Which means, it, like some other members of its genus, Aedes, transmits the horrible tropical disease, dengue fever. By the way mates, dengue is pronounced, dingo.
Here’s what viral dengue fever will do you for once you are seriously infected. You shall think you have a tail. Round and round you shall chase your imaginary tail. Until, exhausted, you shall go to your bowl and have a nice, refreshing drink of water. Try not to slurp up any of the larvae in your water bowl. If you slurp up the mosquito larvae you may get super advanced dengue fever or like have a mosquito cyst develop in your brain. Eventually, a mosquito cyst in the brain can grow to the approximate size of a softball assuming the noggin of the afflicted could potentially house a softball. Otherwise, once the cyst grows to full size, the noggin explodes. Gross!
Crumby actually once visited a tropical country. There, in the tropics, noggins afflicted with dengue were so commonplace, a tourist like Crumby had to seriously watch out to make sure he didn’t get splattered with exploded brain parts.
Like this one time, Crumby was negotiating with a bebida vendor on the price of a big orange soda water. All of a sudden the vendors head exploded. That vendor had the dengue, pronounced dingo, fever. Crumby got somewhat splattered with brains, but fortunately, Crumby’s just purchased bebida bottle still had its cap on. So none of that foreigner’s exploded brain or the mosquito cyst or other parts from the exploded noggin actually got into Crumby’s soda water. That’s why the bebida vendor’s carts always have a bottle cap remover on the front of the cart where customers line up. If a head explodes, you can wait for the dust to settle before you open your bebida bottle.
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