Frostweed, Hardly Able Son

All righty! Today is the approximate anniversary of snuffless Crumby. That’s right. Despite wanting some snuff, preferably the Grizzly brand, every day for a whole year, Crumby has never during all that time been seriously fixing to get any.
Now let’s get real. Many shall claim that only Jesus or maybe a demon or two can facilitate an average person’s kicking of the tobacco habit. Yet Crumby is living proof that the White Goddess can just as easily help an average person through this important transitional phase of one’s life.
But Crumby does not wish to make this into a big ecumenical dispute. Crumby believes that just about any supernatural creature can help an average person kick tobacco. All an average person has to do is firmly believe in that creature or deity. Then also, one needs to believe that the demon, unicorn or whatever cares about individual, personal bad habits enough to help.
For example, Karl the Tracker Druid told Ray and me about this lady whose boy was always sneaking off to look at women’s feet. The lady had to hire Karl to go find the boy. Which, of course Karl easily did because Karl has that knack. However, finding the boy and returning that boy to his mother’s loving embrace did nothing to cure the boy of his bad habit.
No. First that boy had to go on a spiritual journey which eventually included time off for good behavior at the penitentiary. But then one day after the boy was released and he was fixing to return to his bad habit, a personal ancestor of that boy came to him in a dream.
You must never look at any more women’s feet ever, the dreamy ancestor explained. Plus I am fixing to help you get over your bad habit. Look. Look. Look now upon my own twain feet. See what they have turned into for all eternity.
The boy looked down at his ancestor’s feet. But where the feet should have been, there were only twain blocks of salt. And then here came to small cows, known as heifers, that continuously licked at the salty feet of the dream ancestor. Those young cows licked and licked until the dream ancestors salt block feet were almost entirely licked clean. With hardly any feet left, the dream toppled on over to lie upon the ground or barely able to sit up. Then the miserable dream says, From now on, when you desire to apprehend women’s feet, ye shall espy my sad condition instead.
And henceforth that’s what transpired. So with the help of a caring ancestor that boy was eventually cured of his bad habit, espying women’s feet.
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