Pollen Kills Many
According to government statistics, pollen levels have just now exceeded the danger zone. That’s right. Allergy sufferers in these parts may wish to consider living in the bath tub for the next couple of weeks. What you may wish to do is cache some potted meat and crackers in the bathroom. Once you have a food supply in the bathroom, you can use towels to block up any cracks around the door, thus sealing yourself in, hermetically. Then whenever you feel any symptoms, you can take a hot bath.
Remember though. Just because you are living in the bath tub does not mean you can like use electric appliances in there. The combo, electricity and water are about as deadly as the pollen you are fixing to escape. So be safe. Leave that laptop or camera on the commode.
What is the pollen that kills many? Easy that, mountain cedar pollen. Yes. Mountain cedar pollen is a totally mysterious silent killer. Totally mysterious because there are no mountains and no cedars in these parts. Totally silent because, you know yourself that pollen is typically mute.
OK. Crumby has decided he wants a sample of the mystery killer pollen. But how can Crumby get a sample. Well. Crumby needs some equipment. Crumby needs a microscope slide smeared with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, Your First Aid Kit in a Jar. Or, failing that, Crumby needs an index card that may be folded up, thus trapping the mute, mysterious killer.
Actually, Crumby is fixing to set out any minute. There he shall go, into the terrible wilderness in search of the mysterious, silent, killer pollen.
Later dudas.
Many perished already. Yet Crumby survived long enough in zombie format to take this picture of the mysterious yet silent killer pollen. There it is, microscopically enlarged, the deadliest scourge of these parts. This mysterious, silent, yet deadly pollen is so tiny that even a Roosian dissecting scope can’t really show much detail regarding this insidious killer. But see those little pollen like blobs on that cone. That’s it, the insidious killer, as promised.
Dudas. This pollen is still immature and thus sticky. But the mature stuff is all around, everywhere. Yes. The mature pollen is like a fine reddish dust, floating, everywhere. It’s killing everybody. Go to the bathroom anon. Lock yourself in. First get some canned goods. Don’t forget a can opener. Then, lock yourself in. Towel those cracks. Mercy! Take a nice hot bath. Ah! Mercy! Maybe I shall enjoy a Vienna sausage or two.
Remember though. Just because you are living in the bath tub does not mean you can like use electric appliances in there. The combo, electricity and water are about as deadly as the pollen you are fixing to escape. So be safe. Leave that laptop or camera on the commode.
What is the pollen that kills many? Easy that, mountain cedar pollen. Yes. Mountain cedar pollen is a totally mysterious silent killer. Totally mysterious because there are no mountains and no cedars in these parts. Totally silent because, you know yourself that pollen is typically mute.
OK. Crumby has decided he wants a sample of the mystery killer pollen. But how can Crumby get a sample. Well. Crumby needs some equipment. Crumby needs a microscope slide smeared with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, Your First Aid Kit in a Jar. Or, failing that, Crumby needs an index card that may be folded up, thus trapping the mute, mysterious killer.
Actually, Crumby is fixing to set out any minute. There he shall go, into the terrible wilderness in search of the mysterious, silent, killer pollen.
Later dudas.
Many perished already. Yet Crumby survived long enough in zombie format to take this picture of the mysterious yet silent killer pollen. There it is, microscopically enlarged, the deadliest scourge of these parts. This mysterious, silent, yet deadly pollen is so tiny that even a Roosian dissecting scope can’t really show much detail regarding this insidious killer. But see those little pollen like blobs on that cone. That’s it, the insidious killer, as promised.
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