Friday, April 30, 2010

Arizona White People

The soft-hearted Ark Druid had us delete this post once, considering it too harsh. But now the Ark Druid has relented. So this post is back and socked in.

Monkey shines! Goodness! What’s with Arizona’s white people? They must not have figured out the benefits of almost free labor. Mercy! It’s hard to believe that any white people outside uh, never mind, I was fixing to say I******, (censored by the Ark Druid) could be dumber than Republico Booblicans. Yet there they are, in Arizona. Dumber than the dumbest, dumb shits, dum, dum, dumb. It’s like when you burn yourself on the floor furnace, twice. Mercy!

But that’s OK. Maybe the rank and file are dumber than the leadership. Maybe the leadership was just playing along, knowing that eventually Arizona shall benefit from incredibly cheap labor just like Tejanoland. Yes. Arizonans, you could have an unlimited supply of incredibly cheap labor if only you would shut up.

OK. You know your governor and your miserable senators have no chance to go anywhere except to Hades if they’re lucky. But our governor, lucky licky Ricky, could go all the way. But you Arizona fuckers are not helping. No. The white people of Arizona are not helping lucky licky Ricky go all the way. Instead, you Arziona white people are hurting lucky licky Ricky. Hurting his feelings. Hurting his chances. Yes. You Arizona assholes are fucking up lucky licky Ricky’s chances and hurting his feelings.

Hold it. Lucky licky Ricky may have shot a coyote for you. How about that?

Hmm. Big business Booblicans know just how valuable Mexican slave labor is. But you Arizona white people must have missed class that day. Uh. Do you have schools in Arizona? Surely somebody must have been in attendance. But maybe not.


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