Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bird migration or, get me through these parts alive

Yes. It’s that time of year again when literally dozens of neo-tropical migrants fix to trespass across the Republico. Already, the woods are full of two indigo buntings. Also, there may be two chats, chatting. Yet the ventriloquist like qualities of the chat voice could indicate only a solitary chat.

Yes. The mockingbird heralds the great migration, sounding off as chat and chuck will’s widow. In the weed patch, a grasshopper sparrow hops about. Where’s all the dang grasshoppers?

That’s about it so far except for the Nashville warbler that seems to be everywhere.

****Goodness! The Ark Druid just reminded Crumby that sparrows native to Norte America don't hop. They walk.

Whut ye doin' owchere own the highway?


Well where ye a goin'?


Well how ye a gonna git there?



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