Friday, April 23, 2010

Crumby has decided, alas.

If you take pictures every day or almost, your camera is like a friend. Like it’s almost like a dog. So it can be hard to give up on your friend or dog. Because your camera may be almost as good a friend as a dog, psychologically considered.

It’s like, how could a real man give up on Nicole Kidman. That’s right. A real man never would. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Sorry. I have always felt really bad for Nicole ever since Tom ran off. I don’t know why.

Though it’s true. Your friend may also be a back stabbing cock sucker totally unlike your loyal dog. That’s how Crumby feels now about his Olympus camera. That’s right. The glue didn’t take and the mirror fell out again. So Crumby had to go to Home Depot to get a different kind of glue. Mercy! That camera is similar to a Whore of Babylon at a Tea Party. Mercy! There are too many of those particular type whores. Too many. Mercy!

It’s like when they have a tea party. And your wife or girlfriend wants to go. And there is only one black dude at the tea party. Yet that one black dude totally makes off with your wife or girl friend. Mercy!

But that’s crazy talk.

Alas. It’s hard to give up on your old friend. Even if it turns out, your old friend is a worthless lying Whore of Babylon no better than those many whores of the twain sexes we commonly espy on the TV news or at Tea Parties. Goodness!

But Crumby has decided, alas. Yes. Mercy! OK.

Crumby could potentially unload his entire Olympus shiteree as follows, maybe.

Both of the old kit lenses combined - $50. The 40-150 is a good copy. The other one, beats me.

The MK1 14-54mm. Good lens, third hand - $200.

The 35mm macro. Probably broke. $30 for scrap or manual focus.

The 70-300mm. Good lens, good copy. $150.

Sigma 150 macro. Hardly auto focuses, but that may be the camera. You have to manually focus to the ballpark. Then auto focus will work. $350.

The E330. $50 for parts assuming home glue session numero dos does not take. Mercy!

FL 36 flash. Hardly used. $75.


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