Mercy, It's May Day
That's right. May Day, that the Druid's call Beltane, is upon us. Also, May Day or Beltane is when the workers of the world celebrate and take a day off from weary labors. All except for the many scabs and scissorbills. They don't take off.
Crumby toasts all the honest workers. Workers of the world, unite!
If you don't know what a scissorbill is, then you probably don't know what a full looper is either. Anyone refusing to continue as an ignoramus may wish to read further and espy the picture.
A full looper is a caterpillar with prolegs located only on the 9th and 13th somites. Thus, all its apparent legs are located at the anterior and posterior ends with no legs or prolegs in the middle. The other vulgar name for these particular vermin is inch worm.
Crumby toasts all the honest workers. Workers of the world, unite!
If you don't know what a scissorbill is, then you probably don't know what a full looper is either. Anyone refusing to continue as an ignoramus may wish to read further and espy the picture.

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