Patterns in Nature 2
Well-a-day. At this nonce the CB is pleased to have a good many blue damselflies. These particular damselflies helicopter around the low vegetation, spooking tiny vermin. Crumby espied one catch a small moth or muth. Like dragonflies, damselflies are messy eaters. They chew with their mouths open. Ugh. Plus it got moth or muth scales all over its nasty little blue face.
But the point of all this is to determine what pattern contains both the depicted and the previously depicted. Crumby, perhaps guided in his feelings by the blessed WG, believes, the depicted and the previously depicted are the same species, Enallagma civile. That’s mostly because they act just alike and are simultaneously present at the CB together at this very nonce. One thing Crumby appreciates about the damselflies that turn up at the CB; they show a strong sense of temporal separation.
What kind of bluet is that? It’s a civil bluet.
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