Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Waiting on a Paycheck

Crumby has a job but Crumby has not been paid yet. So naturally, given Crumby's low estimate of human kind, Crumby figures his employers are fixing to rip him off. That's right. Crumby believes he will not get paid even for all the expenses he has laid out or piled up, much less wages due. Mercy!

Crumby's situation is analogous to the many, bold, yet semi-self-sufficient goat ranchers awaiting the arrival of the Mohair subsidy check. Those goat ranchers came to despise the hand that fed them because those goat ranchers could imagine what would happen if the subsidy check was late, or Hep me Jesus!, didn't arrive at all. Or actually, Crumby's situation is analogous to that of any wage or salary slave eagerly yet nervously checking the mail. Will it come today? Please, please, please!

Anon, if the blessed WG smiles brightly on Her most loyal and affectionate of Ovates, Crumby shall receive a Social Security check. But apparently, thanks to the Mammonites, that happy event needs to predate the bankruptcy of the Social Security System . Mercy! If Crumby does not get his Social Security, after fifty years of paying in, he shall need to take some bloody revenge on the Mammonites.


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