Monday, August 08, 2011

A Druid Sermonette: Why God Hates Evil Doers

Many have heard tell that God loves sinners but hates sins. But like most of what an average person generally hears, that lie was concocted by evil doers to make themselves and other evil doers feel better or have a better self-image. Yet God never participates when it comes to loving sinners. No sir. God hates those sinners. And with good reason.

Many have also heard tell that God sent his only begotten son, Jesus (Heysoos) down to earth. Then what happens.? Well. You know the story. Practically everyone knows the story. Evil doers set upon Heysoos and killed him. Not only did they kill him, they tortured him first, too. Yes. They killed God’s bastard son, plus tortured him first. Thus providing God with yet more in a long list of reasons why he hates you. He hates your miserable guts, all righty!

Then, almost immediately, or in just a few days, as soon as Jesus gets resuscitated or heads off to India, Paul, also known as Saul, and Peter, also known as a Mounds brother, substitute Pauline Transcendentalism for the simple-minded humanism of Heysoos. Now whoa! Not only is Heysoos dead or resuscitated, his story, which God had taught Heysoos to repeat verbatim, is now bowdlerized beyond recognition by Paul and Peter or Peter and Paul. What’s more, it’s only after the bowdlerization that the story (lie) takes off and becomes immensely popular with the masses of sinners or evil doers. God hates them all. And with good reason.

Skip forward 2000 or so years. The Republico de Tejas plus Okrahoma are fixing to roast in Hades. That’s right. The wickedest people on Earth, that God hates most of all, are suffering Hell on Earth, only partly mitigated by air conditioning and irrigation.

Why has God acted at last? Well. Remember God hates evil doers. But the farm subsidies were the last straw. That’s right. Since at least the Dust Bowl, God has provided the peasants of these parts with plenty of subsidies, reasoning, subsidies are part and parcel of the simple-minded humanism, His son, Heysoos, tried to get these louts to understand. But now, all these ingrates have turned against the very subsidies that have made their way of life possible. It is the final straw, the straw that broke the camel’s back, and exactly why God hates your guts.


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